Security threats are lies, institutions have been destroyed, founder PTI No deal is happening, meetings with my lawyers have been stopped, our peaceful protest will continue.

Security threats are lies, institutions have been destroyed, founder PTI

The change through vote was not recognized, will also go to the Supreme Court against rigging in the elections

Money is going to flow again in the senate election, Geelani’s son was caught in the last senate election but he has not been punished till date

No deal is happening, meetings with my lawyers have been stopped, our peaceful protest will continue.

Sri Lankan work is going to happen in Pakistan, now inflation will increase and people will come out, informal conversation with the media.

RAWALPINDI  (  Web  News  )

The founder of PTI has said that security threat is being said, this is also a lie, the whole country is running on lies, the election was faked, the credibility of the institutions has been destroyed, there is no deal. Rahi, meetings with my lawyers have been stopped, our peaceful protest will continue. In an informal conversation with the media after the hearing of the 190 million pound reference in Adiala Jail, PTI founder said that he Complained that PTI was not allowed to field in the elections, the voters took revenge on them on polling day, but the change through vote was not recognized, they have lost the hope of the nation by taking away the mandate. All my predictions have come true, now I am telling you that Sri Lankan work is going to happen in Pakistan, now inflation will increase and people will come out. PTI founder said that there is no talk of a deal. Yes, meetings with my lawyers have been stopped, our series of peaceful protests will continue, we will also go to the Supreme Court against election rigging. He said that money is going to flow again in the senate election, Geelani’s son was caught in the last senate election but he has not been punished till date.