Conference “Digital Transformation of the Industry in Serbia” on 8th of Nov 2018


As part of SEE-IT SUMMIT, the first and only international ICT trade fair in the Western Balkans, the conference “Digital Transformation of the Industry in Serbia” will take place on 8th of November 2018 in Novi Sad, Serbia. The program is being organized through the project Private Sector Development in Serbia (PSD), implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, within the German-Serbian Development Cooperation, in cooperation with Digital Transformation Center (CDT) at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO). The conference will be followed by workshops and consulting meetings, with a special emphasis on automotive, agriculture, mechanical engineering, services and logistics, and the entire program will be free of charge. More about registration methods will be published soon on

– The conference is dedicated to all private sector stakeholders, companies that are planning to initiate their digital transformation projects or are interested in the digital roadmap consulting process – says Mr. Jürgen Kappenmann,  lead advisor for the Private Sector Development project implemented by GIZ in Serbia. – Team of the Center for Digital Transformation and Certified Digital Consultants will introduce the role and service portfolio of the CDT and the opportunities for companies to receive specific support packages in the coming years. Concept and idea of digital roadmaps will be explained in details, summarizing the main fields of action, on which companies should focus in the near future. They will be combined with in-depth strategies for single activity fields. Therefore, this digital roadmap is a starting point of the consulting process and we are inviting each company to use the opportunity to get such a strategic document free of costs.

In the early part of the conference, Serbian and German experts will present international trends, case studies in Serbia, as well as current tools and solutions. In the afternoon, consultancy meetings with experts, as well as individual B2B meetings will be held. The so-called 4th Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) has begun in many countries around the world, and it is inevitable that we will soon begin to notice its impact in Serbia. For this reason, the Government of the Republic of Serbia has declared digitization as one of the development priorities in the upcoming years.

– Basically, digital transformation – simply speaking – has two main elements: the technical part, and the cultural and business model part. The latter one is even more essential since it will change how human beings in their company and along value chains jointly with customers, suppliers and even competitiors will work cooperate and change their business models. So, if you don’t have people who are willing and open minded to go for this digital change, to challenge themselves and everything in the company, you certainly will fall back or even fail. In a few years, all businesses are increasingly „digital“ businesses – Kappenmann explains.

The rest of the interview with Jürgen Kappenmann, about the digital transformation of the Serbian industry, can be found here.