MOITT may hold impartial inquiry against Zia Imran Ex-MD PSEB


Ministry of information and telecom  ma

y hold impartial inquiry to probe into all the allegations leveled against Zia Imran  Ex-MD PSEB and if proved guilty, strict action may be taken against him and a report  thereof may be sent to the Committee.  This stated  in report of Sub-Committee of the Standing Committee on Information Technology & Telecoms headed by Mr.  Muhammad  Akhtar  Khan  Kanju.  The Convener of Sub-Committee investigate the allegation leveled against Mr.  Zia Imran Ex-M>D, Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) and reason of termination of Mr. Talib BAloch, Ex-employee of PSEB.

The Sub-Committee discussed the allegations leveled against Mr. Zia Imran, Ex-M>D, PSEB and termination case of MR. Talib Baloch, Ex-employee of PSEB , in detail in its meeting held on  16th April & 14th May 2012 After detailed deliberations the Sub-Committee unanimously made the following recommendations.

  1.  The Sub-Committee while discussing the allegations against Mr. Zia Imran Ex-MD, PSEB regarding his involvement in corruption and nepotism etc, observed that some of allegations leveled against him need further investigation. Accordingly, the Sub-Committee recommends that M/O Informational Technology may hold impartial inquiry to proved guilty, strict action may be taken against him and a report thereof may be sent to the Committee.
  2. The Sub-Committee also observed that the termination of Mr. Talib Baloch Ex-employee of PSEB  was unjustified as no allegation was leveled against him on the time of his termination. Therefore, the Sub-Committee recommends that Ministry may reconsider his case of reinstatement on humanitarian ground under intimation to this Secretariat.