LAHORE (PRESS RELEASE) According to a plethora of reports from the world’s multilateral development agencies and renowned NGOs Pakistan is suffering from water scarcity with repercussions for its growth and sustainable development. Combined with growing urbanisation, industrialisation and growing populations, the stock of water capital is set to diminish rapidlyRead More →

ISLAMABAD (PRESS RELEASE) ACCA Pakistan hosted the Pakistan Leadership Conversation (PLC) 2018 in Islamabad on March 21, 2018. This will be followed by events in Karachi and Lahore on March 22 and 27 respectively. Pakistan Leadership Conversation is a critical forum for thought leaders to discuss important policy issues andRead More →

LAHORE (PRESS RELEASE) ACCA (The Association of Chartered Certi­fied Accountants) and the Pakistan-China Institute (PCI) hosted a Conference to launch their joint report The Economic Benefi­ts of a Modern Silk Road – CPEC. The event was attended by leaders from the private and public sectors as well as academics whereRead More →

LAHORE ( PRESS RELEASE ) ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the management of Pakistan Business Council (PBC). The MoU revolves around ACCA and PBC’s mutual agenda of supporting the development of businesses that emphasises on financial disclosures and reporting that isRead More →