The military trial will bring disgrace to the army, Arif Alvi Army and civilian politicians should learn from Hamudur Rahman report to get out of the treason case. Talk in Lahore

The military trial will bring disgrace to the army, Arif Alvi
Start applying the ointment in the country to reduce the irritations
Army and civilian politicians should learn from Hamudur Rahman report to get out of the treason case
I condemn the atrocities of the Israeli forces in Palestine. Former President Arif Alvi’s conversation with the media outside the Punjab Assembly
National society and economy is possible with the release of the founder of PTI. Azam Swati

LAHORE  (Web   News)

Former President Arif Alvi has said that he says to the army that the military trial will lead to military infamy, start applying ointment in the country to reduce hatred. We should learn to get out of the case of treason. He said that our three demands are the supremacy of law, the freedom of the founder PTI and the return of the mandate. He should be returned so that the economic future can be better. It is the right of PTI to withdraw from the case if someone is showing prejudice. He also condemned the atrocities of the Israeli forces in Palestine. He expressed these views. He said this while talking to the media outside the Punjab Assembly. Former Federal Prime Minister Swati was also present on this occasion. I express my solidarity. I want to thank Spain and Ireland, who recognized Palestine. I also want to thank the South African government, which took the case of Palestine to the International Court of Justice, and the government of Saudi Arabia. Thank you, Pakistan needs investment, not aid. He said that the security of Chinese workers is the responsibility of the government, all the things of CPEC must be implemented, the country’s economy will improve with foreign investment. He said that at present, the investment of Pakistanis in Dubai is ten billion dollars in the form of property. He said that in the current political situation, peace is indispensable to those who have the mandate to return it so that the economic future is better. Local people investment. If he does not, how will there be investment from outside? He stressed that political issues should be resolved so that poverty can be removed from the country and two million and six million people can get employment. He said that health, education and poverty The problems are increasing, so good decisions should be made in the next few days. The former president said that he had met the workers who were arrested and sentenced, whose videos were not even available. They spent eight months in jail. He said that the trials of terrorists If the law is made, the PTI people will be put in jail again, they are afraid. They said that the world is not in favor of military trial. Which is avoided to reduce hatred. He said that Waqas Waleed and Farqan, along with one brother, two brothers were also arrested. Arif Alvi said that I pay tribute to the judiciary which stands with the law. He said that when there is a fight, one after the other. A reason is found, come out of the fighting situation. He said that the Hamudur Rahman report is a report of Pakistan and the judiciary, the army and civilian politicians should learn from the Hamudur Rahman report. Make progress in the matter. He said that the blockade should be removed from the street so that the economy improves, the country needs to be built at this time. Arif Alvi said that there are three demands: supremacy of law, freedom of the founder PTI and return of the mandate. Have a heart and ask for forgiveness. He said that the IMF will increase the tax that is recovering from the tax that it spends. Arif Alvi said that it is the right of PTI that if someone is showing prejudice, then he should be separated from the case. Former Federal Prime Minister Swati said that the country’s society and economy is possible with the release of the founder of PTI. The only solution is to end the fake cases of founder PTI and release him. He said that the country will move forward with the rule of law and the country’s economy will be stable.