PTI must rule if it’s larger group in NA: Fazlur Rehman 9th May 2023 “It was a drama staged by Mohsin Naqvi and Inspector General of Punjab Police,” Asad Qasar

PTI must rule if it’s larger group in NA: Fazl

Fazl also questioned how long the politicians would continue to make compromises with the establishment and sit at their door

“Whether this house was created by the establishment or representatives of the people of the country and when shall we come out of this situation?”

Fazl advised Nawaz Sharif, Shehbaz Sharif and Bilawal Bhutto Zardari to quit the treasury benches and sit in the opposition

9th May ..“It was a drama staged by Mohsin Naqvi and Inspector General of Punjab Police,” Asad Qasar

ISLAMABAD  (  Web News  )

The opposition benches in the National Assembly Monday warned the government that the House would not be allowed to run if they were denied the right to hold public meetings and demonstrations.

PTI-backed member and ex-speaker Asad Qaiser questioned under what law his party leaders and workers were being stopped from public meetings and reiterated his party’s demand for the constitution of a judicial commission to investigate the May 9 incidents. In his maiden speech to the 16th National Assembly, JUI-F chief Fazlur Rehman advised the treasury benches to ask themselves if they had been brought to the assembly by somebody else or they were people’s representatives.

Speaking on a point of order, Asad Qaiser said a drama was staged on May 9 to deprive the PTI of public popularity and mandate for the next general elections. “It was a drama staged by Mohsin Naqvi and Inspector General of Punjab Police,” he alleged. He said the opposition wanted civilian supremacy and supremacy of the Constitution and law, an independent judiciary to take independent decisions and a strong parliament in the country.

He asked as to why the PTI leaders and workers were not being allowed to stage demonstrations and were being pushed to the wall. He also announced to join the voice of farmers from Punjab over non-procurement of wheat. “I also demand that the chair should fix a day for debate on the wheat issue,” he said.

Abdul Qadir Patel of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) reminded Asad that when the then opposition members staged sit-ins in front of his chamber, he would leave his office from the backdoor without listening. He alleged the PTI leaders and workers were preparing to attack the jail and get their leader released. Patel asked if the PTI government, with the support of all the institutions and intelligence agencies, gave 10 million jobs and constructed five million houses.

Fazl supported Asad’s demand for staging demonstrations and public meetings. He said the establishment and bureaucracy did not play any role in the creation of Pakistan and questioned where the generations of those struggles for the country were standing now.

“Whether this house was created by the establishment or representatives of the people of the country and when shall we come out of this situation?” he asked. He pointed out after a long struggle, the first general elections were held which were presented as a precedent but its results were not accepted resulting in the disintegration of the country.

Fazl also questioned how long the politicians would continue to make compromises with the establishment and sit at their doors. He said a politician like himself talked on the basis of information and according to his information, the assemblies were sold and purchased.

“Who would call these assemblies as representatives of people?” he said. He pointed out that senior leaders of the parties sitting in the government were questioning the Feb 8 election results. “We are weak because we compromised, sold out democracy and we also chose our lords,” he said. He said those who should be subordinate to the government and parliament were acting otherwise.

Fazl said a committee headed by law minister on instructions of Shehbaz Sharif had reached an agreement on the religious seminaries but some powers created hurdles. He said politicians felt proud of members of parliament but they were not powerful to bring legislation of their liking. He challenged the speaker whether parliament had implemented any recommendation of Council of Islamic Ideology (CII), saying majority of members in the House did not follow Pakistan’s ideology.

“Our Constitution says Pakistan is an Islamic republic and there will be no legislation against the injunctions of Islam. Every member should question himself whether he/she is satisfied with the election results. Ayaz Sadiq Sahib are you satisfied with the results in Lahore?”

He said groups of armed people took control of areas after the sunset and police also retreated to their safe havens. “Where we are standing now after the mandate was stolen,” he asked. Fazl advised Nawaz Sharif, Shehbaz Sharif and Bilawal Bhutto Zardari to quit the treasury benches and sit in the opposition if it was a fact that the PTI was the larger party in the February 08 elections. He said his party would stage a million march in Karachi on May 02 and in Peshawar on May 09. “Anybody trying to stop us will invite trouble for himself,” he warned.

He further announced that his party planned to organise a “million march” in Karachi and Peshawar on May 2 and 9, respectively. He asked the government to refrain from creating hurdles in the JUI-F’s upcoming power shows.

Maulana Fazlur Rehman said that his party was ready to start a new public movement against the prevailing governance system which is “unacceptable” to them.

He drew parallels with neighbouring India, highlighting economic challenges faced by Pakistan and questioning the nation’s adherence to its Islamic identity.

“Where does democracy stand today? We compromised on the original and sold our democracy… we made our ‘masters’ with our own hands… today, we cannot even make laws of our own will. Just compare India and ourselves… both countries were freed on the same day… today, they (India) are dreaming of becoming a superpower and we are on the verge of bankruptcy… the forces behind the wall that control us make decisions but it us who are humiliated in front of whole world.”

He lamented the failure to implement recommendations from the Council of Islamic Ideological (CII), emphasising the importance of upholding Islamic principles.

“Every individual Pakistani owes Rs300,000 debt… we’ve turned the nation into a crowd. Obtained in the name of Islam, today we have become a secular state. Since 1973, not a single recommendation of the Council of Islamic Ideological (CII) has been implemented. How can we be an Islamic country? We are begging to avoid bankruptcy and the IMF tranche is being celebrated today.”