High-level investigation committee constituted to look into the Chatta’s allegations ECP was currently investigating the allegations of rigging in Rawalpindi Division. Murtaza Solangi

High-level investigation committee constituted to look into the allegations leveled by ex-Rawalpindi Commissioner: Murtaza Solangi

Says the people should have trust in institutions & the judicial process

Says ECP was currently investigating the allegations of rigging

ISLAMABAD  (  Web News   )

Caretaker Minister for Information, Broadcasting, and Parliamentary Affairs Murtaza Solangi stated on Monday that a high-level investigation committee had been constituted to look into the allegations leveled by former Rawalpindi Commissioner Liaquat Ali Chatta regarding rigging in the general election.

Speaking to the media after attending the meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Information and Broadcasting, Murtaza Solangi urged patience as the legal process was currently underway. “The people should have trust in institutions and the judicial process,” he added.

He remarked that the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) was currently investigating the allegations of rigging, stressing the significance of waiting for the results of the ongoing legal proceedings.

The caretaker government, he said, had fulfilled its responsibility for conducting elections in a free, fair, and peaceful manner. Responding to a query, he explained that once the ECP released the final list of successful candidates, the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs would forward a summary to the concerned for convening the new session of the National Assembly. Subsequently, a request would be made to President Dr. Arif Alvi to summon the session of the National Assembly, he added.

Earlier, during a briefing to the Senate Standing Committee on Information and Broadcasting, chaired by Senator Fauzia Arshad, the minister stressed the importance of boosting PTV’s presence on social media platforms to enhance viewership.

He noted that PTV had started sharing its top-quality programmes on social media, recognising the significant audience engagement on these platforms.

Murtaza Solangi underscored the necessity of improving the marketing of PTV products on social media. The minister explained that the responsibility for appointing heads of certain institutions rested with the elected government.

Due to the lengthy selection process, it was impractical to accomplish this task during the tenure of a caretaker government, he said, adding that therefore, it was preferable for the new parliament and government, upon assuming office, to exercise their authority in making these appointments.

Secretary Information and Broadcasting, Shahera Shahid highlighted the financial challenges of PTV, noting the organization’s efforts to address them.

She informed that the actual strength of PTV is 4100 and the organization has more than 3000 pensioners, adding that pensioners are paid through Contributory Funds.

She further informed that eight to nine billion rupees per year are collected through 35 rupees levied in the electricity bills while four to four to six billion rupees per year earned through programming.

The Ministry underlined that 15 rupees is proposed to be added to the Electricity Bill apart from 35 Rupees while DG PBC informed that the Federal Government has also been requested to charge every vehicle having a 5 Rupee for Radio on entry and exit points on motorways.

Senator Irfan Siddiqui emphasized the need for motivation and willpower within PTV’s talented staff to maximize the organization’s potential.

A reform proposal for all attached departments under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting was also tabled during the meeting.

The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks, appreciating the committee’s efforts and the commitment of all involved parties to address critical issues in the realm of information and broadcasting.