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AJK BANK President visited the field supervisory offices of the institution.


Bank of Azad Jammu and Kashmir President Khawar Saeed visited the field supervisory offices of the institution in Muzaffarabad yesterday. On the occasion of visiting Commercial and Retail Banking Division (CRBD), Risk Management Division (RMD), Credit Management Division (CMD) and Regional Office Muzaffarabad, he reviewed the professional activities of the staff and issued necessary instructions. He said that these departments especially CRBD are  important as the backbone of  Bank and play an important role to increase the business of the bank.   Therefore, the staff associated with them can achieve the business objectives of the organization by working tirelessly day and night to promote business activities in the field. Giving instructions regarding banking services to customers, he said that further improvement in customer service is our top priority to achieve best business results. By paying special attention, business relations with customers can be increased manifold. The staff of the bank’s operating offices and branches strengthen business relationships with customers and customer service should be further improved, so that the business of the organization increases continuously.

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