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Court convicts man over child pornography for first time in history


A man in Pakistan has been jailed for seven years for child pornography offences – the first conviction of its kind in the country’s history.
Sadat Amin was found guilty by a court in Sargodha, a small city in the Punjab province, according to the district police chief Suhail Chaudhry.

During the trial, he reportedly confessed to luring children in to produce porn videos, according to prosecutors.

Chaudhry said an investigation revealed that Amin was part of a child pornography network spread across parts of Europe and the US and sold pornographic videos of children to a Norway-based network.

Amin was arrested earlier this month by the Federal Investigation Agency — Pakistan’s version of the FBI — following a complaint from the Norwegian government, according to Mr Chaudhry.

He was also reportedly fined 1.2 million rupees.

The ruling comes shortly after Pakistan introduced new laws to crack down on child sexual assault and child pornography after a Bill was passed by the Senate.
Both crimes now carry a maximum penalty of up to seven years in jail, whereas before, only rape was considered a criminal offence under the country’s laws.

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